Garver’s roots run deep in Oklahoma. By investing in quality infrastructure projects and the communities we serve over the past three decades, our firm is a growing and thriving Oklahoma business. Garver has created opportunities for Oklahomans like me to work, raise a family, and put down roots of my own in our great state."
- Brent Schneids, Garver
Design Your Future: National Engineers Week is Feb. 16-22

Engineers have designed and brought to life the world around us, from the runways our planes use to the bridges we drive over on daily commutes. These outstanding professionals deserve meaningful recognition for the contributions they make to our daily lives. Enter: National Engineers Week.
Founded by the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) in 1951, National Engineers Week—also known as “EWeek”—provides a dedicated opportunity to highlight the hardworking engineers, technologists and technicians that improve quality of life through technological advancements and innovative breakthroughs.
This year’s National Engineers Week theme, “Design Your Future,” aims to expose students to the endless possibilities an engineering career can offer. By teaching students about science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) curriculum and introducing them to the wide variety of career paths engineers can pursue, we can all play a part in inspiring the next generation of engineers.
Wondering how your company can get involved in EWeek? The possibilities are endless but some ideas include:
Buying lunch, coffee or treats for your engineering team
Recognizing your engineers, whether through a company newsletter or by sending them handwritten thank you notes
Hosting an event—such as a panel discussion or lunch and learn—to educate colleagues or students about what your engineers accomplish
Organizing a special team outing for your engineering employees, such as a group volunteer activity or teambuilding exercise
Whatever you choose to do, be sure to document your company’s EWeek activities by using #EWeek on social media.
Open for Business Oklahoma (OFBO) member companies in Oklahoma represent a variety of industries made up of diverse workforces committed to improving the lives of Oklahomans. OFBO member companies routinely perform community outreach in schools and through volunteerism, and together, OFBO members work together on initiatives like school supply drives and creating free curriculum for Oklahoma schools.
At OFBO, we salute the engineers working to create a better future for Oklahomans and paving the way for the next generation of dreamers and doers. Thank you for being at the forefront of innovation, addressing our state’s greatest challenges and inspiring us all to think outside the box.